
Friday, 10 September 2021

Online Learning - what does it look like and my findings

Level 4 Lockdown - it was such a shock once again for us teachers. We are not meant to teach online. Thinking of words like, emotions, well-being, hugs, social interactions, playtime, one on one time with students, routine and stability. In a class these are crucial - a safe environment for children. I can I change my practice and thinking to do everything I am doing in my physical class in my virtual class.

Being a teacher, the first thoughts that rushed through my head when I hear the word Lockdown is what about the children who won’t have the means to connect for a variety of reasons such as, parent disengagement, frequency of attending the meets, the level I have to teaching, what do I teach, engaging activities, poor internet quality and no support on how to access all learning online. Can I keep the momentum we have established in the classroom and follow our routines?

Thinking that we couln't interact with students this way 30 years ago!! We are truly blessed to have devices to connect with each other. Teach and still engage our learners through different kinds of media online reaching all aspects of our daily routine which includes, dancing, listening and learning new songs, new languages, writing using a virtual white board, maths still using a variety of materials and students are able to access objects to count with, and reading as well through apps. School and learning can continue!! At least for those who can connect!! Luckily our children are born more tech orientated, they adapted to the “new” way of learning very easily!! Unfortunately the engagement is not always trackable online, what are they really doing?

What and how have I been providing optimum opportunities for learning:

  • Not making it too teacher directed
  • Setting up slides where the students can continue learning independently
  • Really making an effort to ask how they are doing
  • Creating opportunities where we can use a lot of oral language
  • Guided drawings which helps with fine motor skills
  • Asking how they are and telling me what they have been up to
  • Continue teaching as if still in class

I would love to bring some more ideas into my sessions - these came up after I have watched some observations done by GTS teachers:

  • Show and tell - all little ones enjoy showing their toys. I want to make this a more frequent activity because even the shy students, who is still getting used to the idea to talk online, will gain more confidence talking about, for instance, their own toy
  • Refer back to our vision and values more often - through the simple etiquette of behaviour when you are on an online call
  • Using more of the ideas that they want to learn about - and let them create some of the content
  • Making our own digital class big book - using pictures from the guided drawings and sentences that we have written and making it into a book. Book creator
  • Play games online like kahoot. I want to find a game similar to Pictionary for 5 year olds online version
  • Giving out more certificates or rewards at the end of the week to celebrate to the ones that tried to make their learning happen. Celebrate their successes more often to encourage other students
  • I have to lead by my example and always be positive and keep going no matter what

I looked at 2 different readings :

  1. Why are some kids thriving through online learning - and how can I assist those who are not to do better - are all facing challenges as soon as we are emerged in online learning but
  • There are less distractions many of our students are faced with at school. Not many friends that wants to talk to - you can get straight into learning and finish the job
  • Many reserved students has been actively participating during the online lessons and giving answers because they don’t feel the threat like being in a class environment
  • Learners that are not very social at school is thriving because they are in their own safe environment where they can feel confident, my next step is figuring out how I will accommodate these learners back into a classroom with all those barriers - creating a safe breakout space
  • Learning at their own pace without the pressures of time in the class - many of my learners often struggle to complete activities within a time limit - they now have the opportunity to complete them in their own time. Something to consider when we are back in the classroom, My thoughts are around setting up the class more like an explore room with set activities which students can go to when they have finished working with the teacher during guided groups. This might take time to set up because they need to be able to complete activities independently, with this I also see the opportunity of more oral language that will be used and gaining confidence in their learning
  • An important factor for me as a teacher is that I can see my learners do get more sleep now. They can sleep a bit later in the morning and it is not a rush to get everybody ready and out of the house at 8am. Much calmer and relaxed environment has a tremendous impact on learning
  1. Reason why students are not so engaged-
  • Where most learners have a safe and calm environment to work in some learners’ situation changed dramatically and a lot more stressors e.g. no income, food, violence due to situations, unstable family life
  • With these factors is it very stressful to work or attend online classes due to no devices available, no internet, no support. We can only try to do all we can as a school to offer support with all these factors. Messaging and keeping contact is so important, our learners are our first priority, keeping their well-being in mind