
Sunday, 2 May 2021

#3 Speed dating with other CoL teachers in our Manaiakalani cluster

 When talkative, inquisitive and inspired teachers come together and have an afternoon of....

Speed dating(a formalised matchmaking process which has the purpose of encouraging eligible people to meet large numbers of new potential partners in a very short period of time)

you can only imagine what buzz there was in that room!!!

Based on data and hands on experience I formulated my inquiry to see where and with which targets students I can try to make a difference in their learning journey. What can some of the problems be that led to my inquiry - why did I choose this and how am I going to make a difference? 


As you have seen I am focussing on the 4-5 year old students and helping to find ways to fill the gaps to make the transition from ECE to primary school a bit smoother.

By chance, when the speed dating session started, I reached out to Jo Gormly - I have been following her journey very closely and was inspired when she led a workshop around Bee bots and teaching Digital Technologies, also I wanted to "date" Silivia Toloke, Natasha Olsen and Sharon Elliot. All three of them are with Sommerville Special School. I have visited a satellite school of Sommerville last year and was impressed how they manage and cater for students with individual needs! When I sat down with Jo, on the seats just behind us was my other daters. Luck and meant to be. As we explained our inquiry, they all felt that my inquiry was a very important and sometimes often overlooked focus. I would definitely follow up on our brief conversations and visit some more satellite campuses and learn of ways to help the little 5 year olds adjust better in the more structured environment to meet their individual needs!!

I believe that this is such an important part for all students who is starting their learning journey. I know what I am doing right, NOW what can I do more!!


rs working together to identify common challenges, analyse relevant data, and test out instructional approaches

Teachers working together to identify common challenges, analyse relevant data, and test out instructional approaches

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