The Ripple effect in my teaching practice
I have read and realised over the past couple of weeks, especially with the impact I am having with my new entrants that the words and actions I choose with my students today can have far-reaching implications. How far can my ripples go? As teachers, we make micro-decisions in our classrooms constantly. We’re always analysing and trying to do what’s right for our students.
In a short period of time, we might think …
- Is she having a hard day? Maybe she needs a pat on the back and some encouragement.
- He is not focussed and very needy today. Maybe I can work with him one on one.
- I overheard her saying she is not a good reader. Maybe I can give her a book about something she enjoys.
We often forget the decision we made no matter how small but the impact of them can last a lifetime.
They’re like the ripples in a pond. When you throw a rock in calm water, the ripples cascade outward and change the water for a long time. Think about the ripples you’re creating with your students. They might reach further than you think. Ripple effect resource
How will I change my practice to ensure that a 5 yo student starting school with limited foundational skills will progress and succeed in Level 1 of NZC
- Planning should be done from both NZC and Te Whāriki also looking at the Key Competencies
- Professional readings and research
- Differentiated learning needs to happen to assist the students that has little or no foundational skills, cross class teaching - filter students into ability grouping for Phonics to start off with
- Focussing how to incorporate fine motor skills into rotation groups
- Adding more time to our program to really focus on the main curriculum areas by teaching LCS on a Friday in collaboration with Room 1, setting up provocations and giving opportunity for students to develop oral language and fine motor skills
- Making little books with their own sentences - it will be rewindable
- Getting parents involved in the process, before they enrol and then during the first term that they have started
- Parents survey
- Kindergarten/ECE teacher surveys
- Primary school teacher surveys
- Assessments on students done in first/second week when they start school
- Mid term tamariki korero - getting parents involved and give them more say on what and why their children are according to their peers and after 6 weeks at school and beyond
In my own practice
I will focus more how to integrate activities across the curriculum and make sure that my lessons include DAT leading up to our LCS on Fridays
Observations outside of GTS: Johanna to set up Jo Gormly(Term 2) and Natalie Wrack(Term 3)
Excited to do the Incredible Years PD - this will aid in students with behaviour challenges
Supporting other teachers
Conversations about maths curriculum teaching, and writing(Year1/2 classes making use of the opportunity to have ability groups in both Phonics and Writing) will assess how it is going Term 3.
How can the teachers incorporate fine motor skills into their program for the students that still lack some of the foundational skills
What I would like my students to focus on is
Be confident that they have mastered all foundational skills, once they have mastered these they would be ready for the next step
Fill the gaps before they start school - parent and ECE involvement
Their goals and know why they have goals
The importance of using oral language when they talk to each other
To learn through play and fill the gap
End Goal
Parents and kindergarten/ECE teachers are involved in the transition process to make it as smooth as possible. All parties are on board where we are heading and know what the expectations are before students start primary school. If we could fill the gaps of the foundational skills before they start school it would have a ripple effect into the start of their school journey and this will an amazing effect in the rest of their schooling.
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