
Saturday, 3 November 2018

Day 8 Manaiakalani Digital Fluency Intensive Program


Teaching teachers and students how to stay safe and be empowered to make the right decisions when using devices.

Google - 

Google makes us aware of being cybersmart, be confident and smart in using the internet.

IMPORTANT - rather focus on anti-bullying - FOCUS on KINDNESS


Having teacher dashboard made it so much easier to keep an eye on where the students are working at, all their digital work are on here and I can immediately see who is not at the right place at the right time. Also very useful to see who struggles to put there work in the right folders.

In the kid's shoes!!

Chromebooks and iPads

It was truely great to use an actual chromebook. A good teacher cannot teach any lesson if you do not know how the students will experience it. If you create a lesson on your device, you need to test run it on a device the students use. That way you can make sure that it is working the way you want it to.

Using Screencastify

I used my pepeha form a previous session to screencastify it.

I feel so much more confident in using technology! Thank you Manaiakalani.

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