
Friday, 9 November 2018

Day 9 Manaiakalani Digital Fluency Intensive Programme - THE FINAL ONE

Looking back........

The past 8 weeks have been amazing, to hear from the Manaiakalani team leaders that I have grown a lot and are able to work with more confidence, is amazing. 
Thank you so much for this opportunity to work with you, Fiona - thank you for your constant help and guidance with so much patience. I hope that we will meet again in future and that I will have the opportunity to learn from you again.
It is sad to say goodbye next week, wish we could learn more..........

The day has arrived.... our last session

It was good to hear that how the teachers, that did the course with me, experienced it. We all feel the same, sad and wish we could just learn more and more. We need more time with our trainers.
This has been a life changing opportunity.

The Manaiakalani beliefs

This idea is that we can rewind the classes, is empowering. 

We had a quick review about Google classroom. Seen that we use Hapara in our school and it is already set up within the school's domain, this was interesting and useful to know how to create and share assignments with your class.
Thank you for reviewing it with us before we sat the Google Level 1 exam. this was helpful during the exam.

The dreaded exam!!!

This was so stressful. Time management was so important. I finished the test with only a few seconds to spare. What a relief! Thanks Gerhard, calming and encouraging me...... "You got this!" he said!!

3 hours of concentration and reading and re-reading, but..... it payed off.....
Yeah , I did it! So grateful!

My final words for the Manaiakalani Digital Fluency Intensive team.

What an amazing, journey this was. Being part of this group makes me proud and I can say without reservation that these people I have met are truely met. I will miss the weekly get togethers and collaborating and learning. To all the teachers in the program. It was inspiring to meet all of you, I hope that I can visit you at your schools and learn from your expertise. 
To our trainers, Dorothy, Fiona and Gerhard. You are amazing people and always had a friendly smile and a kind word to say. Thank you for making my first 3 months in NZ memorable, having you guys by my side while I was busy adjusting, made it so much more bearable.

What's next for Tania

I will continue to learn anything that tickles my interest, I will create engaging assignments and activities for my students from all I learnt and I will share with whomever might be interested!!

Super psyched today.....

1 comment:

  1. Tania it has been a pleasure and a privilege to learn alongside you for nine weeks. We are so pleased you chose NZ and a Manaiakalani school as you moved countries. Please keep posting here. Keep in touch. And keep showing us what awesome looks like.
